Backing up your computer is not an option. The thought of losing your precious pictures of friends and family and your entire music collection should keep you up at night. A computer crash from that nasty virus you downloaded by accident from the website you shouldn’t have visited can erase everything you have in seconds.
You should have an external hard drive. If not, go over to our Facebook page and enter to win a free 1TB drive. Even without an external drive you do not have an excuse for not having a reliable backup of your computer.
Free Backup Software Giveaway
With the move to the new blog and a growing community around our products, we want to offer our readers a free copy of Drive Backup Professional. Typically sold for $49.00 we are going to give away this must have backup software. Do you want a copy? Of course you do.
Whats the added kicker? Just for being a fan, we are offering licenses of some of our other great products that will be given away to some lucky readers. The contest will end on Sunday.
Three simple ways to get some free software from Paragon:
Step #2: It pays to share the news. Share this
post with your friends by clicking on the Share button.
Step #3: In the comments section below, fill in your name, email address.
Make sure to enter your real email address so that we can contact you if you win!
You want to increase your chances? Subscribe to the Paragon Blog news by email and get your name added.
Subscribing to Paragon’s Blog by Email.
Subscribers will be automatically added to the list of contestants.
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